

An update to the R-package bgms, version, is published on CRAN.

The BGM Lab offers a PhD position on Bayesian methods for network analysis of longitudinal psychological data (with Johnny van Doorn, Eric-Jan Wagenmakers, and Maarten Marsman). More information can be found here.

An update to the R-package bgms, version, is published on CRAN.

Maarten received a € 850,000 Vidi grant from NWO for his research proposal Robust Inference for Dynamical Network Models! See the NWO news here for more info, including a link to the full list of 102 researchers who received a Vidi, and the UvA news here for the list of 17 Vidi recipients working at the UvA or AMC.

An update to the R-package easybgm, version 0.2.1, is published on CRAN.

An update to the R-package bgms, version 0.1.4, is published on CRAN.

The Bayesian Graphical Modeling lab is organizing a tutorial session for the workshop Bayesian Methods for the Social Sciences - II. You can register for the conference here.

Giuseppe Arena has joined the Bayesian Graphical Modeling lab as a postdoc. Welcome Giuseppe!

Maarten received the 2024 Early Career Award from the Psychometric Society!


Sara won the Best Poster Award for her poster "Are psychological networks sparse or dense? A Bayesian test for sparsity" at the 2023 IOPS Winter Conference! Congratulations Sara!

The paper ``Relations Between Networks, Regression, Partial Correlation, and Latent Variable Models'' by Lourens and Maarten has won the Tanaka award, for best article published in Multivariate Behavioral Research in 2022.

The Bayesian Graphical Modeling lab organizes a workshop on Bayesian network analysis in the Psychosystems Network Analysis Winter School.

An update to the R-package bgms, version 0.1.2, is published on CRAN.

The R-package easybgm, version 0.1.0, is published on CRAN!

An update to the R-package bgms, version 0.1.1, is published on CRAN.

The Bayesian Graphical Modeling lab organizes a symposium on Bayesian analysis of networks in the MathPsych conference in Amsterdam.

The R-package bgms, version 0.1.0, is published on CRAN.

The Bayesian Graphical Modeling lab organizes a workshop on Bayesian network analysis in the Psychosystems Network Analysis Summer School.

The Bayesian Graphical Modeling lab organizes a workshop on Bayesian network analysis in the Psychosystems Network Analysis Winter School.