

An R package for Bayesian analysis of graphical models for binary and/or ordinal variables. Can be downloaded from cran. More details about the package can be found on the bgms Github page, and development versions can be downloaded from the Github repository.


An R package that streamlines Bayesian analysis of graphical models and simplifies related output (e.g., plotting functions). Can be downloaded from cran. More details about the package can be found on the Github repository, and development versions can also be downloaded from there.


JASP is an open source statistical software program with a graphical user interface that can be downloaded from here. In JASP, users can load their own data and point and click to select their desired analysis. It includes both frequentist and Bayesian versions of the most common statistical analyses, including network analysis. Here is a tutorial on Bayesian analysis of graphical models in JASP.


An R package designed to make it easier and more accessible for researchers to conduct simulation studies using Bayesian Markov Random Field models. The development version can be downloaded from the Github repository.


An R package for Bayesian analysis of graphical models for binary variables. Available from the rbinnet Github repository. Has been replaced by the bgms package.